Thursday, November 11, 2010

On-line Group Communication

I really enjoyed delivering the On-line Group Communications course. Many participants are now using Skype to communicate with family and friends at home and abroad.

The highlight of the course was contacting the Deputy Lord Mayor, Councillor Edie Wynne via Skype. Thank you Edie for participating in the Skype lesson and for the invitation to attend the hospice coffee morning in the mansion house. It was a very enjoyable morning, supporting the Hospice and learning about the history of the mansion house.

Many thanks to the Community Foundation Grassroots Grant for funding this course.


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Santa's Helpers

Five of our intrepid ASITS members set off on a beautiful winters morning to spend the day touring Newbridge Silverware & afterwards headed off to Kildare Village Shopping Outlet to make a dent in their christmas shopping!!
Well done ladies for doing your bit for the economy and no doubt judging by the high spirits as they set off from the Enterprise Centre lots of fun was had on the day.. Merry Christmas

Monday, July 5, 2010


Thank you to everyone eho took part in our recent Framed! My Life In Pctures Exhibition which was luanched ny Lord Mayer Emer Costello on May 11th at Terenure Library. The exhibition was a great success and a big thank you to Rick Quinn who over the course of 6 weeks encouraged our participants to recall and share their personal memories and special events in their lives.


Happy New Year
On behalf of the ASITS committee and Terenure Enterprise Centre we would like to say a big THANK YOU! Your support and commitment to the Society over the last year was greatly appreciated and we look forward to your continued support in the year ahead. Many thanks also to those who generously gave gifts to our St Vincent de Paul giving tree for Christmas 2009.

The Active Senior IT Society A.G.M
Our AGM will take place on Monday January 25th 2010 at 11.00am in the Memorial Hall on Rathfarnham Road, Terenure.
As with many organizations, funding for training is limited for the year ahead and the committee needs the support of members to ensure the continuation of the Society and all it offers. Please come along to our A.G.M. to show you support and offer your feedback and suggestions; we look forward to seeing you there!
Refreshments will be served 

It’s that time of year again!!
Your ASITS annual subscription is now due and the fee remains unchanged at €10. If you take into consideration that in 2009 571 training places were taken up by ASITS members, spread over 45 courses & 17 workshops, along with the social outings and events arranged throughout the year, we think you will agree that €10 a year is great value for money even in these recessionary times!!!!

From February 2010 this newsletter will be sent by email in future. Please supply us with your current email address and make sure to check your email regularly.


St .Michael’s House -“Bring a book, Buy a book”

On Wednesday March 10th we are hosting a “Bring-a-Book Buy-a-Book” drop in morning in aid of St Michaels house Services for intellectual disability. This year we’re accepting books or DVD’s. This event will take place in Terenure Enterprise centre between 10am and 2pm. All books or DVD’s donated will be sold for just €2. Please come along on the day to buy a book, all proceeds will be in aid of St. Michael’s House. If you would like to donate books in advance please bring your good quality second hand books/ DVDs to Terenure Enterprise Centre before March 8th. Thank you for your support.

Thank you to all our members who attended the AGM on Jan 25th. One of the items discussed was the importance of the annual subscriptions to keep the society alive. The annual membership fee is €10 this fee entitles the members to:
• One basic computer 8 week course at the fee of €20
• One free work workshop
• To avail of a variety of courses and initiatives run at the enterprise centre half price

New Social Committee:
Three members have recently volunteered to head up a social committee to oversee the social events for the members of the society. If you have any idea or suggestions – let us know!



Social Committee:
Our new social committee has been busy planning some exciting new adventures for all members. P.T.O for full details of upcoming events. Advance booking is essential as some activities have limited availability!
The committee is made up of four members of the society - Angela Hickey, Phyllis Boyle, Joan Dunwoody, Rita Gallagher & Jim Kenny – sincere thanks to you all.

Date for your Diary:
Tues 11th May 2010 @ Terenure Library
To mark the society is going to produce an exhibition of memoirs and photos which will be on display in Terenure Library from 11th–15th May and in Ballyroan Library from 24th-29th May. The exhibition will be launched in Terenure Library by the Dublin City Lord Mayor, Cllr Emer Costello, on May 11th @ 10.30am – please join us!

New Classes:
Beginners - Friday Morning – starts May 2010
If you are interested in enrolling in these classes please call us on Tel. 4903237; classes are €20 to first time participants and at the reduced fee of €65 for all members who would like to repeat this class. If you would like to register for any other classes within the society or have any suggestions for classes and activities you would like to see on offer we would love to hear from you.

Refer a Friend:
Some of you may have heard ASITS Chairman Al Connor on Community Radio FM in February to promote the society. Al did a great job and many new members came along to join after hearing about ASITS. Remember, if you have friends & family who might be interested in joining up and availing of the excellent value for their €10 annual subscription that the society offers we would love to meet them so send them along to us or give us a call.

St Michael’s House Bring-a-Book Event:
Thank you to everyone who supported our St Michael’s House fund raising campaign on March 10th. Whether you donated books or just came along to buy some, your efforts raised €190 for St Michael’s House and on their behalf we would like to say: THANK YOU


Bealtaine Festival - May 2010
On May 11th during the Bealtaine Festival, which celebrates the achievements of the older age group, the Lord Mayor of Dublin, Cllr Emer Costello opened an exhibition in Terenure Library entitled Framed! My Life in Pictures which was compiled by 12 ASITS members. The project was produced with the invaluable assistance of volunteers Rick Quinn & Patrick Lyons – thank you both! The Society is very proud of the recognition given to the quality of the work by the participants of this class. The exhibition ran in Terenure Library from May 11th to May 15th and in Ballyroan library from May 24th to May 29th.
A full article written by Eamon Henry can be viewed on the ASITS BLOG:

New Classes
Online Group Communications:
Aimed at members who have a role in volunteering. This course will cover sending group emails and group text messages

Fri July 23rd – Aug 27th

Fri Sept 3rd - Oct 8th
Fee: €20

My IT Advanced:
Aimed at members who have completed basic IT
This course will cover contacting friends & family online

Wed 2nd June - Jul 21st
10am to 12.00pm
Fee: €20 (Fully Booked)

My IT Advanced :
Aimed at members who have completed basic IT
This course will cover contacting friends & family online
Thur June 10th-Jul 29th
2pm – 4pm

My IT :
Aimed at people who want to learn the very basics of computing, ie complete beginners
Mon 12th July - Aug 30th
2pm to 4pm
Fee: €20

My IT Advanced :
Aimed at members who have completed basic IT
This course will cover contacting friends & family online

Mon 12th July - Aug 30th
10am to 12pm
Fee: €20

My IT:
Aimed at people who want to learn the very basics of computing, ie complete beginners

Tuesday 1st June-Jul 20th
10am to 12pm
Fee: €20 (Fully Booked)

Digital Photography:
Learn how to use your digital camera, upload your photos and save & send them to family & friends
Thurs June 17th –Jul 22nd
Fee: €20

If you are interested in any courses on offer, or would like to put your name down for an Autumn course please call us at 01-4903237 or email us on our new ASITS email address at
If you are a new member and you haven’t been contacted for a new course please let us know and we will register you on the next available course.

Email Addresses:
Due to reduced funding, the Society is trying out new ways to save money; we are now looking at the idea of sending the newsletter via email. If you would like to receive your newsletter & other updates on new courses and social events please send us an email to and we will add you to our mailing list.
*Remember to include your name on the email.

Annual Subscriptions:
Like many other organizations, our funding in these difficult times has been greatly reduced and we need to both increase our membership and retain our past members. Annual membership is €10. Perhaps you know of someone who might wish to participate in the varied classes on offer or who would like to join members on the interesting outings being organized by our new social committee.

Participants in ASITS Social Activities:
The new innovation of social events is being kindly organised by a small committee of volunteers. Because this is being run on a volunteer basis and is not a commercial venture, only those who are members of the Society are eligible to participate. If you wish to bring someone along they can join the Society for the annual membership fee of €10 by calling in to the Enterprise Centre any weekday between 9am & 5.30pm.

Carlow Trip:
Many thanks to the Social committee who organized a great trip to the Visual Arts Centre in Carlow. Attendees on the day all had a very enjoyable time and we even got the good weather too!
Many thanks to Angela, Phyllis, Joan, Jim & Rita for all your good work.
A full article written by Eamon Henry can be viewed on the ASITS BLOG

Any Ideas?
Don’t forget the ASITS committee & the staff at Terenure Enterprise Centre are always eager to hear you ideas and suggestions. Let us know what you like, what you don’t, and what you would like the Society to offer you: All ideas & comments to

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A note by Eamon Henry.
Date 23 May 2010

A very enjoyable visit to Aras an Uachtarain, official residence of the President of Ireland, was made on Saturday 22 May 2010 by eighteen members of the Active Senior IT Society (ASITS). The main objective was to be taken on a guided tour of the Aras, an historic building near the Phoenix Monument in Phoenix Park, located on the western edge of Dublin City.

We assembled at the Visitors’ Centre, organized and led by Mrs. Angela Hickey, so as to start our tour at 11.30 a.m. Before starting, a 20-minute descriptive film of the Park’s history was available for viewing, starting from about the year 1660 with the Park’s foundation as a royal deer-park, of area roughly 2,200 acres. Fallow deer brought from England still have their descendents living in the Park.
The word “Phenix” now spelled “Phoenix” derives from the Gaelic “Fionn Uisge”, meaning “clear water” and referring to a spring well in the Park grounds.
This film obviously covers a wider theme than that of the history of the Aras building as such.
The Park’s history will not be discussed further in this note.
As for the history of the Aras, a two-storied brick house built in 1751 was bought in 1782 by the British Government as a part-time residence for the British Viceroy who functioned in Dublin. From about 1800 to 1900 this building and surrounding grounds were developed by architects and stylists to become of palatial elegance. It had ceremonial importance and became the centre for fashionable society. Queen Victoria visited here on three occasions, and in 1911 her grandson George V visited it.
After Irish independence was established in 1921, this house became the residence of the Governor General until 1930.
In 1938 the house became “Aras an Uachtarain” meaning “House of the President”, with the first President of Ireland, Douglas Hyde, making his home there. Successive Presidents have also lived there, up to the present occupant, President Mary McAleese. The Aras is used as a venue for formal State occasions involving the President, such as receiving visiting heads of state, dissolving Dail Eireann, and presenting new government ministers with their seals of office.

Only a brief description of the Aras interior is possible in this note. A small portion of the house is used by the President and her family as living quarters. Since 1998, the major portion is now on view to visitors.
The State Corridor is lined on one side with busts of the seven Presidents in office before the present incumbent Mrs. McAleese. The State Dining Room was built in 1849 for a visit by Queen Victoria, and now contains portraits of past Presidents.
The State Reception Room dates from 1802 and was formerly the ballroom. These and other ceremonial rooms have elaborate rococo plaster decoration of their ceilings.
The Council of State Room was part of the original house built in 1751, and is now generally used as a reception room. It takes its name from a presidential advisory body first established in 1940. The State Drawing Room was also part of the original house and its ceiling dates from then. The chandelier commemorates the 1801 Union of Ireland with Great Britain and carries a design of entwined shamrocks, roses, thistles and leeks, representing the four countries involved.

This brief outline is intended to make the reader wish to go and see the paintings, sculptures, furniture, carpets and ceilings not described here, but of great artistic value. Our thanks are due to Angela our organizer, and to Siubhan our guide who explained it all so well.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

A note by Eamon Henry. 12 May 2010

A project in creative writing has been completed by nine members of the Active Senior IT Society (ASITS), under the direction of Mr. Rick Quinn, at the Terenure Enterprise Centre (TEC). Entitled “Framed! My Life in Pictures”, the result comprises a booklet covering four aspects of each writer’s life, namely:

*Love is;
*My working life;
*Older and bolder.

The “Childhood” section has a page of descriptive writing by each of the nine writers and by Rick himself, with a relevant photo at the top of each page. The other three sections follow a similar pattern. A further writer has covered the last two of the four sections.
The eleven writers involved, six women and five men, come from a wide range of backgrounds, urban, rural, and country-town. Their life experience is extremely interesting, in its variety of events and conditions over the past 60 or 70 years, as so skillfully described by them.

An exhibition of photographed pages from the booklet is on display at Terenure Library from May 11th to May 15th, before moving to Ballyroan Library on May 24th.
The visual layout of prints for the exhibition was done by Mr. Patrick Lyons.
The exhibition was officially opened by Cllr. Emer Costello, Lord Mayor of Dublin, on the morning of Tuesday 11th May, 2010, as a partial celebration of the Bealtaine Festival.
Also present at the exhibition opening were Cllr. Edie Wynn and other members of the TEC Board of Directors, as well as the ASITS Committee. Ms. Michelle Hannon, Manager of TEC, welcomed the Lord Mayor. Some forty guests in all were present.

The Lord Mayor, in her opening address, reminded her listeners of the important role of the Dublin City and County Libraries over many years, in entertaining and educating thousands of people by what they had to offer. She congratulated the writers and all involved in making this exhibition possible.
This special project in creative writing may hopefully become a blueprint for similar projects by older people, not just in Dublin, but much more widely. It may come to be a significant contribution by ASITS to the cultural life of people living in Dublin and elsewhere. It might also show yet another way of making people more aware of their being members of a local community, and not just isolated individuals. This applies more especially to older people.

Friday, April 16, 2010

A note by Eamon Henry. Date 15 April 2010

A very enjoyable day trip to Carlow town was made on Wednesday 14th April 2010 by eight members of the Active Senior IT Society (ASITS). The main objective was to visit the Visual Centre for Contemporary Arts in Carlow town. We were organised and led by Mrs. Angela Hickey, and set off by bus from the Dublin Busaras at 10.30 a.m.

A cool dry cloudy morning accompanied us on our way to Carlow, which we reached about 12.00 noon.
We enjoyed a leisurely lunch of nice food at Lennon’s Bar located in the Centre. Then, around 2.00 p.m. our guide Mrs. Eilish O’Neill arrived, to take us on a conducted tour of the various rooms which hold the items on display. Mrs. O’Neill told us that the Centre itself had won a prize for its layout and design, including lighting effects. We were not able to visit the George Bernard Shaw Theatre, which is closed to the public at present.
The main painting exhibits are by the artist Sean Scully and comprise several abstract designs in vertical and horizontal bars, with variation in colouring. Our guide told us that some of these items are rather famous, among those who understand abstract art, and that they have high market values. However, such paintings are light-years away from the sunlit landscapes and Old Masters’ studies of humans and other animals, enjoyed by simple-minded folks like ourselves.

Among the structural items there was a large sphere comprising a buff-coloured plastic cover surrounding air or some other gas. Press your ear against it and you can hear the noise of traffic – maybe just what we all need. Another structure was the shape of a lorry-load of waste paper, almost completely made from waste paper. A wide variety of moving art shapes and sounds were also on display, driven by DVD technology.
As might be expected, only a small fraction of the available space is in use to hold what is on display, because the Visual Centre is less than five years old. Our guide provided excellent comment on what is present, but to appreciate these works of art more fully, some education is definitely needed by viewers like ourselves.

On emerging from the Visual Centre, we found the sun shining from a clear sky, and showing off to great advantage the numerous daffodils in full bloom along our way. Our next port of call was the Catholic Cathedral, built about 1830 and typical of such buildings of that time, with much stonework in its walls and a pointed spire. It is of modest size on the inside, but showing in full brilliance the colours of its stained-glass windows lit up by the afternoon sun. These window pictures represent angels and saints and the central foundation events of Christianity.
After a coffee-break we moved to the river Barrow, where local people were feeding a large gathering of swans of varying ages, the younger ones showing brown plumage among the white. Then we moved on to get the return bus, which set out about 5.00 p.m. and reached Dublin City Centre at roughly 6.45 p.m.

This could be remembered as the end of a perfect day.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Submitted by Eamon Henry,

29 January 2010

They're Back! Those wonderful Church Bulletins! Thank God for church secretaries with typewriters. These sentences (with all the BLOOPERS) actually appeared in church bulletins or were announced in church services

The Fasting & Prayer Conference includes meals.--------------------------

The sermon this morning: 'Jesus Walks on the Water.' The sermon tonight: 'Searching for Jesus.'--------------------------

Ladies, don't forget the rummage sale... It's a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house. Bring your husbands.--------------------------

Remember in prayer the many who are sick of our community. Smile at someone who is hard to love. Say 'Hell' to someone who doesn't care much about you.---------------------------------
Don't let worry kill you off - let the Church help..--------------------------

Miss Charlene Mason sang 'I will not pass this way again,' giving obvious pleasure to the congregation.--------------------------

For those of you who have children and don't know it, we have a nursery downstairs.--------------------------

Next Thursday there will be tryouts for the choir. They need all the help they can get.--------------------------

Irving Benson and Jessie Carter were married on October 24 in the church. So ends a friendship that began in their school days.--------------------------

A bean supper will be held on Tuesday evening in the church hall. Music will follow.--------------------------
At the evening service tonight, the sermon topic will be 'What Is Hell?' Come early and listen to our choir practice.--------------------------

Eight new choir robes are currently needed due to the addition of several new members and to the deterioration of some older ones.--------------------------

Scouts are saving aluminum cans, bottles and other items to be recycled. Proceeds will be used to cripple children.--------------------------

Please place your donation in the envelope along with the deceased person you want remembered.--------------------------

The church will host an evening of fine dining, super entertainment and gracious hostility.--------------------------

Potluck supper Sunday at 5:00 PM - prayer and medication to follow.--------------------------

The ladies of the Church have cast off clothing of every kind. They may be seen in the basement on Friday afternoon.--------------------------

This evening at 7 PM there will be a hymn singing in the park across from the Church Bring a blanket and come prepared to sin.--------------------------

Ladies Bible Study will be held Thursday morning at 10 AM. All ladies are invited to lunch in the Fellowship Hall after the B S. is done.--------------------------

The pastor would appreciate it if the ladies of the Congregation would lend him their electric girdles for the pancake breakfast next Sunday.--------------------------

Low Self Esteem Support Group will meet Thursday at 7 PM.. Please use the back door.--------------------------

The eighth-graders will be presenting Shakespeare's Hamlet in the Church basement Friday at 7 PM. The congregation is invited to attend this tragedy.--------------------------

Weight Watchers will meet at 7 PM at the First Presbyterian Church. Please use large double door at the side entrance.--------------------------

The Associate Minister unveiled the church's new campaign slogan last Sunday: 'I Upped My Pledge - Up Yours.